
Learning First Aid from Reception to Year 6 - a Look at Y1 (17.3.22)

As part of British Science Week and the theme of 'Growth', the PTA organised first aid training for all the children across the school. Here's what they did in Year 1:

Today Pine Class had a visit from Liz who told us all about basic first aid skills. Firstly we learnt how to clean and dress a graze or cut with a alcohol free wipe and a plaster. Teddy the panda was a very helpful patient. We practised using a bandage and an ice pack for 10 minutes for a head injury. We also talked about what we should do in an emergency … call 999 some of us were able to say our addresses including our house or flat number and road. We learned about the what three words app which can also be used to find a location anywhere in the world. We heard a story about Freddy and how he helped his mum after she had had an accident. He quickly lay her on her side and called 999 and recalled his address.