
KS2 Sports Day June 2021


What happened this year?

KS2 Sports Day did not look the same this year without the cheering crowds.  I hope that you weren’t too sad.  Our usual whole school Sports Day didn't take place this year which helped keep the children and staff Covid-safe.  We  hosted Sports Day in year group bubbles with a week of sports days held during School Sport Week.  Our goal was to give pupils a Sports Day experience that came as close to the traditional activities as possible.  We kept the children in their class bubbles up on the field and they ran all the races in groups.  

It was still a fantastic opportunity to get outside of the classroom, try something new and work as a team.  There were some great individual and team performances.  All the children far exceeded expectations and performed brilliantly in all the events.  Well done to Grenville (green) who came 1st with 362 pts.  The runners up in 2nd place were Drake (blue) – 320pts, 3rd Raleigh (red) – 314pts and 4th Hawkins (yellow) – 282 pts.  A big well done to all the children who set new records in 2021.  St Margaret’s has many talented children and we are very proud of their achievements and enthusiasm for sport.

A huge thank you to all the staff and Y5 children for helping to organise the events.  We hope to welcome all the parents, carers, friends and family members back next year. We always appreciate the support you show the children and our school - we did miss you!