
KS1 Sports Day June 2019

KS1 sports day was held on 28th June in glorious sunshine.  Sports day is split into two parts, the children all competed in the track events in their house teams and then the children went round the fun carousel in their classes and competed against other teams.  Sports Day is a fantastic opportunity to get outside of the classroom, get active and work as a team. There were some great individual and team performances. All the children far exceeded expectations and performed brilliantly in all the events.  Well done to Raleigh (red team) who came first and to Grenville (green team) who came second, Hawkins (yellow team) in third place and Drake (blue team) who came fourth. St Margaret’s have many talented children and we are very proud of their achievements and enthusiasm for sport.  A huge thank you to all the parents, carers, friends and family members that came along to support the children this year, we always appreciate the support you show the children and our school. And many thanks to the staff and our amazing Y5 helpers for helping to organise such a successful day!